Accounts department is one of the major departments of the Panchayet, but this department is not directly deals with the citizen of Kuapur gram Panchayet. Its scope of work centralized between the activities perform by the other departments of the Panchayet. Some of the major roles perform by accounts department are as follows – I.Preparation of financial year wise Panchayet budget, revised budget, vote on accounts. II.Preparation and maintenance of financial year wise annual financial statements like ledgers, receipt and payments, trail balance, Balance Sheets etc. III.Maintaining different Bank / Treasury accounts, Government grants received by the Panchayet, panchayet revenues and expenditures related accounts on daily basis. IV.Performing day to day payment related jobs. V.Facing financial year wise AG audit. VI.Executing major decisions regarding Panchayet investments as taken by the board of councilors.
Cash Collection Department
Monitoring finance & Accounts
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